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超值精選 VA - 風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列 (1992年-2003年)

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超值精選 VA - 風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列 (1992年-2003年)
超值精選 VA - 風潮-佛曲古箏禮贊系列 (1992年-2003年) 站長完整超強合輯(80首合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)

風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(01)五會念佛 【106.26MB】
  01.MP3 320K 23:33  (53.89MB)
  02.MP3 320K 22:51  (52.29MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(02)念佛心曲 【95.34MB】
  01.Demons.MP3 320K 20:26  (46.75MB)
  02.Horses.MP3 320K 21:08  (48.36MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(03)弘一大師篇 【120.48MB】
  01.The Song Of Holy Triratna.MP3 320K 6:48  (15.57MB)
  02.Farewell.MP3 320K 5:14  (11.99MB)
  03.Recalling The Childhood.MP3 320K 4:40  (10.67MB)
  04.Dream.MP3 320K 4:31  (10.32MB)
  05.Willows In Autumn.MP3 320K 4:46  (10.89MB)
  06.West Lake (Xihu).MP3 320K 7:05  (16.21MB)
  07.The Fragrance Of The Flowers.MP3 320K 4:06  (9.39MB)
  08.Early Autumn.MP3 320K 3:54  (8.94MB)
  09.Live In Solitude.MP3 320K 4:23  (10.02MB)
  10.The Returning Swallow.MP3 320K 3:23  (7.74MB)
  11.Autumn Night.MP3 320K 3:47  (8.65MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(04)寶島梵音 【119.95MB】
  01.南無阿彌陀佛.MP3 320K 29:37  (67.77MB)
  02.南無觀世音菩薩.MP3 320K 22:46  (52.10MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(05)寒山僧蹤 【101.17MB】
  01.Hanshan Temple寒山僧蹤.MP3 320K 8:25  (19.26MB)
  02.Spiritual Buddha清淨法身佛.MP3 320K 7:15  (16.58MB)
  03.The snd of bell emitted in the evening from an ancient temple古剎晚鐘
.MP3 320K 7:12  (16.50MB)
  04.Inspiration of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattra觀音靈感歌.MP3 320K 7:19 
  05.The yellowed hall of great hero大雄寶殿.MP3 320K 6:32  (14.94MB)
  06.Pai Sing Buddha's name by Thousand belivers千聲.MP3 320K 7:27  (
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(06)心經 【98.92MB】
  01.Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra般若波羅蜜多心經.MP3 320K 21:11  (48.
  02.Namo Sakyamuni Buddha南無本師釋迦牟尼佛.MP3 320K 21:59  (50.33MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(07)雲水禪心 【99.20MB】
  01.The Free Flowing Meditation Spirit雲水禪心.MP3 320K 7:41  (17.
  02.An Ancient Temple in Sunset古剎夕照.MP3 320K 8:04  (18.46MB)
  03.Buddhist Music in the Spiritual Mountain靈山梵音.MP3 320K 5:56  (
  04.Monastery in the Mountain深山禪林.MP3 320K 8:38  (19.76MB)
  05.The Sound of the Bell from the Monastery禪院鐘聲.MP3 320K 6:32  (
  06.The Sound of Bell from the Temple佛門鐘聲.MP3 320K 6:26  (14.
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(08)水清月現 【102.34MB】
  01.Purity水清月現(觀音贊).MP3 320K 14:15  (32.63MB)
  02.Buddha Realm十方一切剎.MP3 320K 7:55  (18.12MB)
  03.Chi-Sha Moutain in Autumn棲霞秋韻.MP3 320K 6:30  (14.89MB)
  04.The Lotus Emerging from Water出水清蓮.MP3 320K 7:57  (18.20MB)
  05.Reciting the Coming of Spring且吟春蹤.MP3 320K 8:03  (18.42MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(09)步步清風 【100.69MB】
  01.Breeze With Joyous Whispers步步清風.MP3 320K 6:52  (15.70MB)
  02.Homage To The Five Directions禮五方.MP3 320K 8:38  (19.76MB)
  03.The Moon-Like Face Of The Buddha佛面猶如淨盈月.MP3 320K 6:46  (
  04.Serenity (Bodhisattva Gatha)水在瓶(菩薩偈).MP3 320K 8:12  (18.
  05.Pure Luminosity (Homage To The Medicine Buddha)淨琉璃(藥師佛).MP3 
320K 8:11  (18.73MB)
  06.Ten Thousand Years Joy萬年歌.MP3 320K 5:19  (12.17MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(10)如來一葉 【122.35MB】
  01.Return to Originality如來一葉.MP3 320K 6:42  (15.35MB)
  02.Evening Song from the Fishing Boat漁舟唱晚.MP3 320K 7:34  (17.
  03.The Diamond Staff金鋼一杵.MP3 320K 5:58  (13.67MB)
  04.A Thousand-petaled Lotus千瓣蓮華.MP3 320K 6:12  (14.17MB)
  05.Auspicious Wafts of Incense隨處祥雲.MP3 320K 6:49  (15.62MB)
  06.Cool Breeze in Summer夏有涼風.MP3 320K 7:27  (17.05MB)
  07.Incense Offering to the King of Eastern Sea (rain prayer)香焚 海.
MP3 320K 6:48  (15.58MB)
  08.Great love and Great Compassion in all the Ten Directions十方慈悲.
MP3 320K 5:54  (13.50MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(11)畫水蓮華 【106.71MB】
  01.畫水蓮華.MP3 320K 22:24  (51.25MB)
  02.江山迎佛.MP3 320K 11:41  (26.76MB)
  03.雪山寺景 .MP3 320K 12:30  (28.61MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(12)照人清涼 【101.10MB】
  01.Enlightenment照人清涼.MP3 320K 22:26  (51.35MB)
  02.Respondance片雲無心.MP3 320K 6:22  (14.59MB)
  03.Compassion音樂咒.MP3 320K 8:23  (19.20MB)
  04.Freshness柳色新.MP3 320K 6:56  (15.87MB)
風潮-佛曲古箏禮讚系列\古箏佛贊(13)掬水 【150.36MB】
  01.雲水禪心.mp3 320K 7:41  (17.59MB)
  02.步步清風.mp3 320K 6:51  (15.67MB)
  03.柳色新.mp3 320K 6:58  (15.94MB)
  04.雪山寺景.mp3 320K 12:32  (28.69MB)
  05.夏有涼風.mp3 320K 7:26  (17.01MB)
  06.漁舟唱晚.mp3 320K 7:33  (17.28MB)
  07.深山禪林.mp3 320K 8:37  (19.73MB)
  08.且吟春蹤.mp3 320K 8:03  (18.41MB)


VA - Buddhist Music Played by Guzheng (1992-2003)
Genre: Buddhist Music | 13 Albums | MP3 256-320 kbps | 1.13 GB


Kucheng Performance / WANG Sheng-di & WANG Hsun - Melody of "Reciting the
Name of Buddha in Five Assemblies -1992 256 kbps

1 Rearranged Tune of `Reciting the Name of Buddha in Five Assemblies
2 Rearranged Tune of `Reciting the Name of Buddha in Five Assemblies

Kucheng Performance II/WANG Sheng-di & WANG Hsun - Melody of "Praising by
Reciting the Name of Buddha -1992. 256kbps

1. Rearranged Tune of `Praising by Reciting the Name of Buddha`
2. Rearranged Tune of `Praising by Reciting the Name of Buddha`

Buddhist Praise by Kucheng III /WANG Sheng-di & WANG Xun - Rearranged Tunes
of The Sanskrit Music of Formosa/ Rearranged Tunes of Master Hong Yi Works
- 1993. 256kbps

1.The Song of Holy Triratna
3.Recalling the Childhood
5.Willows in Autumn
6.West Lake (Xihu)
7.The Fragrance of the Flowers
8.Early Autumn
9.Live in Solitude
10.The Returning Swallow
11.Autumn Night

Kucheng Performance IV/ FAN Wei-Ching - Rearranged Tunes of "The Sanskrit
Music of Formosa II" - 1993. 256kbps

1.Namo Amitabha
2.Namo Avalokitesvara

Kucheng Performance V/WANG Sheng-di & WANG Xun - Hanshan Temple - 1993.

1.Hanshan Temple
2.Spiritual Buddha
3.The Sound of Bell Emitted in the Evening from an Ancient Temple
4.Inspiration of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva
5.The Jewelled Hall of Great Hero
6.Praising Buddha`s name by Thousand Believers

Kucheng Performance VI/ WANG Sheng-di & WANG Xun - Melody of the "Prajna
Heart Sutra" - 1993. 256kbps

1.Prajna Paramita Heart Sutra
2.Namo Sakyamuni Buddha

Kucheng Performance VII/WANG Sheng-di & WANG Xun - Zen Rhythm - 1993.

1.The Free Flowing Meditation Spirit
2.An Ancient Temple in Sunset
3.Buddhist Music in the Spiritual Mountain
4.Monastery in the Mountain
5.The Sound of Bell from the Monastery
6.The Sound of Bell from the Temple

Kucheng Performance VIII/WANG Sheng-di & Wang Xun- Purity - 1993. 320kbps

2.Buddha Realm
3.Chi-Sha Mountain in Autumn
4.The Lotus Emerging from Water
5.Reciting the Coming of Spring

Kucheng Performance IX/WANG Sheng-di & Wang Xun- Breeze with Joyous Whispers-
1993. 320kbps

1.Breeze with Joyous Whispers
2.Homage to the Five Directions
3.The Moon-like Face of the Buddha
4.Serenity (Bodhisattva gatha)
5.Pure Luminosity (Homage to the Medicine Buddha)
6.Ten Thousand Years` Joy

Kucheng Performance X/ Wang Sen-di & YAN Ai-hua- Return to Originality -
1994. 256kbps

1.Return to Originality
2.Evening Song from the Fishing Boat
3.The Diamond Staff
4.A Thousand-petaled Lotus
5.Auspicious Wafts of Incense
6.Cool Breeze in Summer
7.Incense Offering to the king of the Eastern Sea (rain prayer)
8.Great Love and Great Compassion in all the Ten Directions

Kucheng Performance XI/ V A - Crystal Lotus - 1994. 320kbps

1.Crystal Lotus
2.Rivers and Mountains Greet Buddha
3.The Scenery of the Snowed Mountain Temple

Kucheng Performance XII/ WANG Sheng-di & WANG Xun & YAN Ai-hua -
Enlightenment - 1994. 320kbps

2.Respondence to Nature

Guzheng Performance / V A - Mirror of Water - 2003. 256kbps

1.Free Flowing Meditation Spirit (from Zen Rhythm)
2.Breeze with Joyous Whispers (from Breeze with Joyous Whispers)
3.Freshness (from Enlightenment)
4.The Scenery of the Snowed Mountain Temple (from Crystal Lotus)
5.Cool Breeze in Summer (from Return to Originality)
6.Evening Song From the Fishing Boat (from Return to Originality)
7.Monastery in the Mountain (from Zen Rhythm)
8.Reciting the Coming of Spring (from Purity)
Producer:Wang Sheng-di
Arranged:Zou Jian-ping & Wang Sheng-di Guzheng:Wang Xun & Yen Ai-hua
  • 超值精選 楊丞琳 2005年~2014年 歷年11張專輯 站長完整超強合輯(153首合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)
  • 超值精選 VA - The Best World Ballads 2012年 最佳世界抒情曲 第十一集 站長完整超強合輯(250首合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD9版)
  • 超值精選 林宥嘉 2008年~2014年 歷年6張專輯+單曲 站長完整超強合輯(94首合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)
  • 超值精選 2012年2月 國台語全部專輯 站長完整超強合輯(21片合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)
  • 超值精選 2010年 音樂紓壓療癒系 VA - Zen Relaxation Series II 站長完整超強合輯版(5片CD合輯成一片MP3)(音樂MP3)
  • 超值精選 KKBOX 2014年02月份 華語 TOP-100單曲排行榜 站長完整超強合輯(100首合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD版)
  • 超值精選 VA - 100 Hits DMG 2007年-2013年 百大熱門歌曲系列 站長完整超強合輯(900首合成一片DVD-MP3)(DVD9版)

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