TrainSignal Microsoft Ms Office 2007 英文正式版(DVD版)
If you're reluctant to use Access because you've heard that Access is not a very
good program, then this is the Video for you as I attempt to explain how Access
has acquired a "bad reputation" among some IT professionals and explain how
learning the basics of the program will save you time in the future
Video 3 The
Microsoft Access 2007 Interface
This is a Video for newbies and experienced users alike as I take students on a tour
of the new Access 2007 interface. Just like moving to a new town, taking the time
initially to learn where the grocery store or the hospital is will save you valuable
time "driving around" in the future
Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise SP1 繁體中文正式版(DVD版)
2011年07月 最新版 內含07月最新更新檔 Microsoft Office 2010 32位元/64位元雙版本/ 2007 SP2/ 2003 SP3 + 威力百科9 + 10套 訊連 CyberLink + NewSoft 力新國際 三合一 繁體中文合輯版(DVD9版)
2009年7月 最新SP2版 Windows Vista with SP2 x32 32位元((直接安裝就是SP2版)+Microsoft Office 2007/2003/XP 繁體中文正式版(DVD9版)
2011年09月 最新版 內含 09月 最新更新檔 Microsoft Office 2010 SP1 Professional Plus VL x86+x64 bit雙位元 繁體中文合輯版(DVD版)(含Project和visio)
Microsoft Office 2013 & 2010 & 2007 & 2003 + Dr.eye 譯典通 9.299 +Microsft Project Pro 2013 x32/x64 +Microsft Visio Pro_2013 x32/x64 旗艦版 繁體中文合輯版(DVD9版)
2012年08月 最新版(內含最新08月更新檔) Microsoft Office 2010/ 2007 SP2/ 2003 SP3 台灣官方繁體中文合輯版(DVD版)(Office 2010含 Project和visio)
2010年03月 最新版(內含03月 最新更新檔) Windows Server 2008 SP2 MSDN x86 & x64 MSDN Standard+Enterprise and Datacenter 三合一版本+Microsoft Office 2007 SP2/2003 SP3/XP SP3/2000 SP3 繁體中文合輯版(DVD9版)