Moero Downhill Night 2 英文正式版(遊戲軟體)(DVD版)
You are Akito, a college student who works part time to fund your addiction
to racing games at the local arcade. You're offered a lift one day by your
friend and coworker Rinka, a racer in her own right with the local Yotsuya
Four Knights auto club. When your pleasant drive is interrupted by a bad-
mouthing punk who challenges Rinka to a driving battle with her body on the
line, you're tasked with using your virtual navigation skills in the real
world - can you keep your cool under the pressure of a relentless downhill
duel, and win both the race and the girl?
美少女遊戲 Moero Downhill Night Type R 英文正式版(DVD版)
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